Minecraft Version
  1. 1.20

TreasureHunt is a plugin that allows players to find treasure chests in different levels and biomes by mining blocks (only natural blocks).

The whole plugin is fully configurable and can also be customized by itself at any time through its own api.

- Fully customizable messages
- Fully customizable probabilities
- Effects when spawning Treasure Chests
- Global customizable messages when a player finds a Treasure Chest
- Own Developer-API
- Certain worlds can be disabled
- Fully customizable treasure chest names
- Fully customizable sounds

/th - Global Command for Treasure Hunt
/th help - Overview for all commands for TreasureHunt
/th enable/disable - Activate and deactivate the detectable chests
/th enable/disable <Playername> - Activate and deactivate the detectable chests for a specific player
/th spawn <Biome-Name> <Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary> - Spawns a Treasure Chest for testing according to certain specifications

"treasurehunt.admin" - With these permissions all TreasureHunt commands can be used

Example of finding treasure chests:

Example Config:

public TreasureHuntAPI treasureapi = null;

public void onEnable() {

treasureapi = new TreasureHuntAPI(this);


    Custom Event

    when a treasure chest is found by the player

public void chestFound(TreasureSpawnEvent event){
   Player p = event.getPlayer();
   Biome biome = event.getBiome();
   TreasureState state = event.getState();


    Different API methods from TreasureHunt

// Add Item to Treasure Item-List
treasureapi.addItem(Material material, double probability, int maxAmount, TreasureState t, Biome b);

// Change State (Enable or disable the finding of chests)

// Retrieve the number of blocks removed since server restart
// @return Integer

// Retrieve the probabilities of the different levels (Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary) of each block type.
treasureapi.getProbability(Material m, TreasureState t);

// Spawning a manual Treasure chest
treasureapi.spawnTreasureChest(Location location, Biome biome, TreasureState treasurestate, int minItemAmount, int maxItemAmount);

Developed by Niklasi1001 & KEDALOZ
Likes: Nexonz
First release

Latest updates

  1. TreasureHunt-1.6

    Change from backend minerix to craftfactory